Love of fitness and play starts in childhood—we foster that here at MHAC! With our convenient Kids Klub Services, parents can exercise with peace of mind that their little one is being well taken care of. When it’s time for the kids to get active, there are so many choices: kids fitness classes, seasonal fitness kids camps and family times so fitness can be a family affair! Check out our special events each quarter to see what fun is in store for you and your family at MHAC.


  • No food, gum or candy will be allowed in the Kidz Klub. Only drinks in spill proof cups or water bottles.
  • Parents will be paged when their child cries continuously (maximum of 10 minutes), needs to be changed, or if the child needs help using the restroom. Parents will also be paged if their child is being insubordinate.
  • If a child continual cries, parents will be asked to remove them for the day as this kind of disruption is troubling to the child that is crying as well as other children attending Kidz Klub.
  • Children are not allowed to play in the restroom, climb on furniture. Rough play not permitted
  • Please label your child belongings ( cups, coats, etc.).
  • No foul language, derogatory remarks regarding other children or Kids Klub attendants.
  • No Personal Toys or Electronics are allowed. Mt Hood athletic club is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged toys.
  • DIAPERS/POTTY TRAINING: Be sure that your child arrives in a clean diaper. The attendants do not change diapers and you will be called back to the Kidz Klub to do so. If your child is potty training, please bring a change of clothes.
  • Offsite: Members may exercise outside of the building (remaining on the grounds), but must keep their cell phones on them and be able    return promptly if needed. Non-exercise activities are not permitted. Kidz Klub service is intended for child care while members are    exercising at the Club only.
  • Children who are not responsive to the attendant’s attempt to deescalate disruptive behavior will need to be removed from the Kidz Klub by the parent/guardian. The staff will communicate with you about any issues with your child at pickup. If your child’s behavior is aggressive, causing potential harm to  themselves or others, you will be contacted and asked to   remove your child for the day. If there are three or more incidents, your child will lose Kidz Klub area access until the behavioral issues are resolved.
  • If your child is injured while visiting the Kidz Klub, an incident report will be filled out and signed by both the staff member and parent/guardian. In the case of a serious injury, the parent will be notified immediately and 911 will be called if necessary.
  • Failure to follow Rules & Regulations by the parent will result in loss of Kidz Klub privileges.

Health Policy


  • Temperature of a 100º or higher
  • Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Runny nose with green or yellow mucus
  • Discharge from eyes, ears or nasal discharge
  • Has been exposed to a contagious condition such as: pink eye, infections of the eye, chicken pox, lice measles, strep, roseola, sore throat, or visible spots.
  • Breathing difficulties or coughing
  • Behavior changes such as crying, irritability or lack of appetite
  • Shots within the last 24 hours
  • Child must not be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning.
  • These policies keep both the staff and other children safe. Thank you for partnering with us for health!

Age 0 – 2 years old

Children on their parent’s membership  may use the club during family court/swim with direct parental or older adult sibling (18+) supervision. They may use the indoor pool during family swim times with direct parental or older adult sibling (18+) supervision. All children using the pools MUST purchase a club approved swim diaper prior to using the pools. Kids ages up to three (3) are allowed in the opposite sex locker rooms with direct parental supervision. The club asks that if your child is older than two (2), please take him/her to the changing rooms located between the pool and the basketball gym to change clothes.

Age 3 – 6 years old

Children on their parent’s membership may use the outdoor pool during outdoor family swim times (seasonal) with direct parental or older adult sibling (18+) supervision and the indoor pool during family swim times. Kids may use the basketball gym and racquetball courts with direct parental or older adult sibling (18+) supervision during family court and family court/swim times. Kids’ age 3 – 6 who are in the club, outside of family times must be placed in the Kids Klub during Kids Klub hours.